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Portfolio Performance

As we provide a bespoke service and not a fund which is valued daily, it is difficult to provide you with performance figures. This is because each client may have a number of solutions, where we use the unique characteristics of each provider's platform to create the most cost effective solution for each client. For example, one client may have 70% in pensions and 30% in ISAs, but another client has 100% in ISAs.

We have 5 models available to match the main client attitude to risk types (the benchmark maximum equity exposure risk is shown in brackets):



Absolute (Cautious)

Investing with low potential for losses (20% equity)

Cautious managed (Cautious)

Investing to outperform inflation (40% equity)

Balanced managed (Balanced)

Protecting gains when coming up to retirement (60% equity)

Steady growth (Growth)

Global exposure with some fixed income (80% equity)

Cautious world growth (Growth)

Diversified equity core plus exposure to world markets

The growth models can be benchmarked against the Bank of England base rate or relative to the FTSE All-Share index. A portfolio benchmarked against the base rate will be constructed more defensively than one relatively to the FTSE.

The data has been collated from the past performance of a real portfolio on a fund supermarket and is net of all fund manager, IFA (0.5%) and platform charges. The records are held by UFA but have not been audited. The following chart is for illustrative purposes only and shows the 'Cautious World Growth ' model against the FTSE All-Share. To advance each year please click on the side arrow.

+44 (0)20 8715 4004   info@unbiasedfa.co.uk   37 Dorset Road, Merton Park, SW19 3EZ

Unbiased Financial Analysis (UFA) is a trading name of Unbiased Financial Group LLP. which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority no 726137. Terms and Conditions. Site developed by TC Designs